When Did Life Become So Complicated?

We all have baggage. Whether that baggage was before adulthood set in or soon after, we all have something. That something  that stays with us and makes life so damn complicated.

When did it become so hard? Was it when we walked across the stage in high school, unknowingly setting ourselves up for so many disappointments as the outside world told us you’re ready for this and the infamous “Congrats Grad, Now Go Change The World!” When indeed you were not ready to take on the responsibility of rent, car payments, car insurance payment, food, gas and yes the dreaded student loans payments.

Have you indeed changed the world?

Maybe, you’re sitting there thinking I had it made until I turned 25 and realized life is hard. It’s hard because friends are getting married, having babies, excelling in their career fields. Making visiting your hometown less desirable, because you don’t want to be judged or asked a million times why you are not married or what’s your job again? It’s the worst! Quite literally the worst feeling knowing you’re not anywhere near where you want to be in your career than having someone point it out to you. Thank you, I did not realize my career hit a dead end months ago. Thank you for making me feel so inferior to you. As much as you try to put on a happy face, deep down you’re boiling and you just want to give them your two cents with a knuckle sandwich. BUT you don’t open your mouth. You somehow end the conversation, head back to your car and just sit steaming.  Thinking about every failed attempt, every disappointing interview, every mediocre job, and every glass of wine you have drank in attempt to come up with a solution to this complicated life. The life that was once a dream when you walked across the stage to receive your high school and college diploma. The dream that at once made you work your ass off everyday, in the waking hours of the morning to understand and apply  material that could one day, maybe, impact a persons life.

Maybe, it has nothing to do with school or your career. Maybe there is a something else that you’re holding onto. It could be a bad breakup, a divorce, a death, tattered relationships, or you just cannot seem to get your shit together. We all have baggage, and we all handle it so differently. As I’ve said before, our circumstances do not define our character, our character is defined by our actions.

Life is complicated because it’s how God intended it to be. We are not meant to live a cushioned life or a care-free life. We are meant to suffer, and God teaches us how to handle complicated situations with grace and courage. You know, like how Christ would handle situations?

Be Christ-like in all doings.

Maybe your dream isn’t dead. Maybe it’s just at a roadblock and instead of turning around you build yourself a bridge and walk across it and prove people wrong. . Your once dream is now in big bold, block letters sitting on your night stand ready to be conquered and crushed. Yes, life is complicated, yes circumstances happen but it should not be a factor in your life. So, what’s your dream? Write it down on a piece and paper, hang it on  bathroom mirror and hustle to make it a reality!

I wish I had all the answers to life’s demanding questions. Like why you didn’t get the job you so desperately worked hard for or why you have so many miscarriages or whatever the circumstance.  In my own little world, it just means something bigger and better is coming your way.

Whether your baggage is years old or just coming out of the woodwork. Just know that we all have it and even if someone in your life seems to have it all together on social media or when you talk to them. Just know there is something holding them down or back from pursuing life and love. A perfect life isn’t a healthy life.

So be kind and show kindness.


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